Sunday, January 4, 2009

Class Representation vs. Top 100 Average

Across the US and Europe this is the class representation at level 80 as of today:

14% - Paladin
12% - Death Knight
12% - Warrior
11% - Druid
10% - Mage
 9% - Hunter
 9% - Priest
 8% - Rogue
 8% - Shaman
 7% - Warlock

What does this mean?  We would expect (if classes were perfectly balanced and every player had the same skill) to have Paladins be twice as numerous in the Top 100 as Warlocks, since there are 2x more Paladins than Warlocks.

What we are seeing is a bit different at the moment since balance is definitely not perfect.

Here is the class average in the Top 100 (2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 combined) after Week 2 of Season 5:

25.4% - Paladin
18.3% - Death Knight
11.0% - Rogue
10.4% - Mage
 8.6% - Priest
 7.8% - Hunter
 6.2% - Shaman
 5.7% - Druid
 5.4% - Warrior
 1.2% - Warlock

As you can see Warlocks are definitely not half the characters of Paladins in the Top 100.

Too perfectly balance the classes (using the average Top 100) each class would need to see a rise/fall of:

486.85% - Warlock
123.13% - Warrior
 91.91% - Druid
 29.86% - Shaman
 15.05% - Hunter
  4.81% - Priest

 -3.53% - Mage
-27.60% - Rogue
-34.36% - Death Knight
-44.95% - Paladin

Note: I know this is tunnel vision on the Top 100, but they are the only stats I can easily get my hands on at the moment.

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